4 Things You Should Know About Hypnotherapy
Dec 27, 2023
What do you think of when you hear the term “hypnosis?” Most people conjure up an image of a performer in a suit making someone cluck like a chicken. But this is a common misconception.
While you might not realize it, you’re in a state of hypnosis every day. When you find yourself daydreaming or zoning out, you’re actually in a state of hypnosis. You’re accessing your subconscious, a part of your mind that often goes unnoticed.
Clinical hypnotherapy is designed to create long-lasting change. Your emotions, beliefs, habits, and past memories are all stored in your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy allows you to access this section of your mind so that you can resolve issues that might be holding you back.
Each person has four brainwave states; beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Most of the day you experience the beta state. This is when you’re at your most aware. The delta brainwave state is when you’re asleep. Hypnotherapy allows you to access the alpha and theta brainwaves, which allow you to remain alert while accessing your unconscious mind.
Fear of hypnosis or hypnotherapy is often due to a lack of understanding. Here are some things that you should know about hypnosis and how it can help you.
You’re hypnotized every day
Have you ever missed your exit while driving or reached your destination without remembering the trip? This is called highway hypnosis. In this case, you’ve entered a hypnotic state and your subconscious mind has taken over the task of driving.
As you continue throughout your day, your mind might wander. Despite not focusing on the task at hand, you’ll still complete it. This is your subconscious mind taking over. When most people think of hypnosis, they think of giving their mind over to another person. In fact, you’re simply accessing another part of your brain.
Hypnosis doesn’t involve going to sleep
If you’ve ever seen a hypnosis stage show, you’ve likely heard the performer use the term “sleep.” While they might use this term as a trigger, you’re not actually asleep. The term allows your conscious and subconscious mind to connect in order to communicate more effectively.
The result of this bridge is that you will be able to access memories or feelings that have been long stored away in your brain. In your normal conscious state, you can’t access those past memories or feelings but your unconscious mind can bring them to the surface, allowing you to face those previously-blocked thoughts.
You’re in complete control
A common fear among those taking part in hypnotherapy is allowing someone to control them. This is caused by viewing hypnosis as a stage act. When taking part in hypnotherapy, you’ll have complete control over yourself. Your hypnotherapist can’t make you do or say anything that you don’t want.
If there’s something that you would rather not share or you’re not ready to heal, your subconscious mind won’t bring that forward.
You won’t be hypnotized until you’re ready
A fear many people have when they begin hypnotherapy sessions is that they’ll be hypnotized the first session. This can be scary as you might not have even met with your hypnotherapist yet. However, you won’t actually go into hypnosis until you’re ready. If this is a fear of yours, you may want to try self-hypnosis products first, you can check out my store here for more details.
Your first session is about getting to know your hypnotherapist. You’ll leave the session with a recording that will allow you to go back and listen to what you learned about yourself and your ultimate goals. Once you're comfortable and feel you can trust your hypnotherapist, you can start accessing your subconscious. But you won’t be forced into doing something with which you’re uncomfortable.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, relieve anxiety, or gain confidence, there are various ways in which hypnotherapy can impact your life. There are many misconceptions about the practice that causes people to avoid hypnosis. A better understanding of the practice will ensure you don’t miss out on this opportunity.
If you want to give Hypnosis a test drive with a downloadable, visit our Hypnosis Shop by clicking here.
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